Planning for Rc Mini6 2020

July 29, 2020
Tags: RC

I am going to do my second ever batch at the Recurse Center - yay 😁 ! I will attend the Mini 6 2020 batch from August 10 to 14. I didn’t think this would ever happen, I am able to do this only because right now it is possible to attend remotely.

My first ever batch was Mini 5 2018, and I started this blog at that time (I had a few blogs prior to that). It was mind-blowing, and also very short. This time I am going to get more time - because I don’t need to leave my home, arrive at New York City, get myself accustomed to a new accommodation etc. So I want to plan it out.


The first time around my goal was to experience RC and also to do a specific project in Clojure/ClojureScript, since that would help me learn the language. At the end of the week I did complete my planned project, but I realized how little I had interacted with other Recursers. This time I want to rectify that. I do want to make meaningful progress on any one of my existing side projects, but my main focus is interaction with other Recursers. Also I want to feel happier at the end of the week than before.


The biggest constraint is being a remote attendee. The RC community has adpated to remote functioning wonderfully well. But I don’t know how much energy and enthusiasm I will have attending from my own home. I have always felt that the physical space of RC is very powerful - I get much more done in much less time when I am there. The other constraint is my limited time and energy, being the father of a two-and-a-half-year-old. I can rarely stay up at night, and have a very bad day following that if I do. So I will need to focus on doing as much as I can in the regular 10am-5pm day.

My routine from the previous time

I still miss my routine which I followed in the previous batch. It was sort of like

As I write this, I miss the coffee shops of New York City, the awesome eateries of SoHo, and the RC physical space. How will I recreate all of this at home, or should I even try?

A possible plan

Here’s what I am thinking of doing

I have twelve days to go before my batch starts - let’s hope I can make it a good one

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